Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Assessor will begin re-inspecting properties in the Spring of 2025. To ensure that property assessments are accurate, the State Tax Commission recommends that assessors inspect 20% of properties in their local unit annually (Bulletin No. 2 of 2014).
You will receive a notice informing you of our upcoming visit. If you wish to provide the Assessor with information about your property, please click here for the Questionnaire For Reinspection. Please complete the questionnaire to the best of your ability and return to the Township either by mail or by emailing the Assessor at jpeters@uniontownshipmi.com
The Assessor may visit your property to verify some of the exterior data such as additions, porches, decks, and outbuildings. The Assessor may also drive by and photograph the exterior of each property from the road. If you have any questions about this matter or are interested in setting up an appointment, please call the Assessor's Office at 989-772-4600 x 230.